Brand name: HyFont Studio
Foundry alias: 新美字库
Simplified Chinese name: 北京新美互通科技有限公司
English name: Beijing Xinmeihutong Technology Co., LTD.
Traditional Chinese name: 北京新美互通科技有限公司
Country or region: ChinaChina
Address: 北京市东城区东四北大街107号科林大厦B座318室
Telephone: 18612321323
Website: HyFont Studio
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HyFont Studio is a new Global Type Design Division of Kika Tech. Our goal is to design fonts for all languages in the world. The name "HyFont" is from "Hyphen" which is a punctuation mark used to joint words, and to separate syllables of a single word. It's like our motto "Words Designed to Change the World." We will use fonts to connect and change the world. All

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